In the framework of International Youth Day (IYD), we present a Short Story that is very dear to our heart because it celebrates the work of two great organizations, Cauce Ciudadano A.C. and Young New Yorkers – in Mexico City and New York respectively -, that strive not only to better the lives of young people but to transform their mindsets and empower them to positively impact their communities.
We had the pleasure of talking to them to dig into the life-changing work they do.
Young New Yorkers is a restorative justice arts program for 16 and 17-year olds who have criminal cases. The youngsters participate in the workshops rather than do jail time, which invariably results in them taking responsibility for their actions and become valued members, even leaders, of their community.
Cauce Ciudadano A.C. is a Mexican organization that works to prevent, decrease and eliminate violence produced by youngsters through social intervention, education and productive training. They use art as an alternative to create a cultural change.
Walk through their workshops, meet the young participants; become part of this reform.
A very special thanks to Cauce Ciudadano and Young New Yorkers for their endless help and infinite patience.